Cheerleading and Dance


Primary and Secondary students interested in gymnastics, dance and stunting, have the opportunity to be a part of the Cheerleading Performance Teams at Rivermount College. The students will perform at College events and local Cheer Competitions. Students rehearse in a dedicated Cheer Performance rehearsal up to twice a week outside of school hours. Acceptance into Cheerleading Performance Teams is via audition only. Auditions for existing and new students will be in the first few weeks of the school year.

Cheerleading Performance Teams will incur a fee each year to cover costumes and competition entry fees. Students will be expected to have or purchase other necessary personal items such as correct shoes.


Dance Performance Teams have the opportunity to perform at College events and local Eisteddfods. Students will rehearse in a dedicated Dance Performance Team outside of school hours.

Entry into a Dance Performance Team is via audition only. Auditions for existing and new students will be in the first few weeks of the school year. Rehearsals will have a choreography focus and it is expected that members will have already learnt the fundamentals of dance technique.

Dance Performance Team membership will incur a fee each year to cover costume hire and competition entry fees. Students will be expected to have or purchase other necessary personal items such as correct shoes.

The College offers separate dance technique classes for students that do not want to perform at Eisteddfods. As non-performing members the students still enjoy the benefits of camaraderie, exercise, co-ordination and dance routine experiences. The College allows non-performing students to participate in these technique classes, however, the cost is similar. These classes will enhance the students skill and confidence. Further information can be obtained HERE

Once accepted into the Dance Performance Teams, we will offer various styles, dependent upon interest. The options are: Jazz, Lyrical / Contemporary, Hip Hop, Song and Dance and Acro Dance.