
A1 Drama Club

A1 Drama Club meets Friday afternoons during term time. Enrolment in the club is on a per term basis. Participation in lunchtime showings (as writer, creator, director, stage tech or performer) may enhance the experience of being involved with this club.

A1 Drama Club provides a creative platform for students to explore the power of theatrical storytelling and develop their skills in drama: acting, devising, directing and critiquing.

Week-to-week, students will be engaged in skills workshops and creative development.

Opportunities exist to develop student work (either from the classroom or other sources) as well as produce existing scripted works.

Regular lunchtime showings will provide students with opportunities to trial ideas in front of audiences.

Projects such as ten-minute plays, one-act plays, the College Musical and other theatrical projects will also be produced and supported by A1 Drama Club. Larger audition-based projects will have a more significant commitment that will be communicated to participants prior to the commencement of auditions.

College Musical

The College produces a Musical biennially, the next musical is scheduled for 2024.

Ten-minute Plays / One-Act Plays / The Scene Project

A1 Drama Club will support the production of a range of theatrical projects subject to staffing and student interest.

Selection for involvement in these projects is by audition (Performers) or application (Writers/Directors). Students are not required to be current members of A1 Drama Club at the time of audition.

Rehearsals will be held throughout two terms, including some non-school days (weekend/holidays) as required. Specific rehearsal times will be negotiated with each Director once the cast has been finalised. The Director may reserve the option to extend the length or number of rehearsals closer to the production date. It should be noted that producing and rehearsing a live performance is a significant commitment.

Given that Drama is an inherently collaborative process, all production members will be bound by their commitment to producing performance work of a very high standard. As such, once a student has been accepted as a member of the cast or crew, full attendance will be expected.

Each production will be performed at least once at the College. Productions may also be entered in community festivals such as the Beenleigh One-Act Play Festival, held in the first weekend of August. Other festivals in which Rivermount College may participate are scheduled from late July through to early September. Decisions regarding specific entries will be made by the Director following consultation with the cast.