Pastoral Care

Educating for Life

The basis of our Pastoral Care Program is a close relationship between students and teachers. In Primary School classes the pastoral care group is the daily class group. In Secondary School, students are placed in groups with one teacher who is responsible for the personal needs, interests and academic progress of each student in his or her group. Senior students are encouraged to become actively involved with the pastoral care program of the younger students.

The purpose and aims of the Pastoral Care Program are:

General Aims:

  • To provide pastoral care to the individual students in the groups and provide a link with the home environment. Teachers develop a personal relationship with parents or guardians and contact them at regular intervals.
  • To take a personal interest in each student and become familiar with their aptitude, background and career prospects. Teachers encourage and motivate students, highlighting their special virtues, abilities and skills and provide help and counselling in areas of specific problems so that each student has the opportunity to live a full and satisfying life.

Specific Aims:

Concern for the spiritual and social development of the student by:

  • ensuring that positive encouragement and confidence is given at every appropriate opportunity to assist the development of a healthy and biblical sense of self-image and optimism;
  • providing opportunities for individual counselling and offering encouragement or admonition where appropriate;
  • assisting students in setting realistic goals and to assist them to monitor their progress towards these goals.

Concern for the academic development of the student by:

  • developing within each student a genuine desire to learn, both at school and as a life-long challenge;
  • reinforcing the work of the subject teacher by regularly checking the homework diary;
  • consulting with specialist teachers as particular problems arise;
  • providing help and advice on study problems and exam preparation;
  • arranging for homework in cases of prolonged absence from classes.

Concern for the involvement of the student in the school community by:

  • ensuring that all students participate in co-curricular activities such as sporting and cultural pursuits;
  • familiarising students with the Code of Behaviour.
  • regularly reinforcing routine matters such as good manners, respect, cleanliness, punctuality and self discipline.