
Natural inquisitiveness, imagination and the development of success oriented principles provide the fundamental objectives to the Prep curriculum.


'Natural inquisitiveness, imagination and the development of success oriented principles provide the fundamental objectives to the Prep curriculum.'

Rivermount College is excited to offer a Prep year for students that provides a strong foundation for future years of education and encourages a genuine love of learning.  A child’s first experiences at school are among the most important in their life. Therefore, in a safe and secure environment, student’s natural curiosity, imagination and creativity are fostered.  It is an aim of the Prep year to ensure that each students' natural learning continues on a daily basis and that their knowledge base is constantly extended and challenged. The Prep year provides a stimulating and dynamic environment where students are able to learn and develop new skills in readiness for Year 1 and their future years of schooling. Students in the Prep year are an important part of the Primary School community and are able to participate in all aspects of school life. Opportunities exist for students to attend regular weekly assemblies, participate in the College sporting and co-curricular programs and attend specialist lessons.  As members of the Primary School, Prep students are required to attend during normal school hours and adhere to the College Code of Behaviour and the College Uniform and Personal Appearance Policy.

Prep Curriculum:

Students in Prep will be introduced to wide range of skills and learning experiences designed to develop and inspire:

  • confidence and independence
  • thinking and problem solving skills
  • language and literacy skills
  • numeracy skills
  • perceptual motor skills
  • social skills
  • listening skills

In addition, Prep students will participate in the College Japanese, Physical Education, Music and Christian Living programs.

Eligibility for Prep: Children must be 5 by 30 June in the year they start Prep. To see your child's start day for Prep use the Queensland Education Prep Ready Calculator